TPA has advised our clients in applications for the conversion of offices (a B1 land use) to residential accommodation that parking and access are the key matters for consideration. With local authorities seeking minimum standards for car parking to aid the design and creation of higher quality developments which will not be affected by excessive on-street parking, the conversion of office space to residential dwellings has the potential to create on-street parking pressures where office parking provision is not adequate to support a residential use.

In acting in support of a recent application for Prior Approval at a site in Hounslow, the Inspector agreed with our approach and confirmed that “the proposal would not result in a material increase in or changes in character of traffic in the vicinity of the site.”  In his further consideration of parking, the Inspector determined that overspill parking in the locality might be representative of a ‘severe’ impact as defined by the National Planning Policy Framework and that based upon the evidence presented in our Transport Statement concluded that “a ‘severe’ impact would be unlikely to occur from the appeal scheme … and that there would not be significant adverse effects on transport and highways as a result of the proposed development.”

We have significant experience of supporting our clients applications to convert former office buildings into residential accommodation or other uses as permitted by the General Permitted Development Order. For more information on how we may help you, please contact us via our website or by email at and one or our directors will call you to discuss your needs.