Transport Planning Associates is pleased to announce that the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government has granted planning permission for up to 450 dwellings, a local centre, a community hall, health, leisure and nursery accommodation, strategic parkland and public open space, landscaping, vehicular access and foul and service water infrastructure on land at Homelands Farm in Bishop’s Cleeve, Gloucestershire.
An appeal that had been lodged by Comparo against the non-determination by Tewkesbury Borough Council of its planning application was subsequently recovered by the Secretary of State and a public inquiry was held between September and December 2011. Among the many issues considered at the inquiry was the extent to which the proposed development is consistent with the advice in PPG13 (subsequently revoked and replaced by the National Planning Policy Framework in March of this year). In particular the need to locate new development in a way which helps to promote more sustainable transport choices and which promotes accessibility to jobs, shopping, leisure facilities and services by public transport, walking and cycling.
Building on work undertaken by Callidus Transport & Engineering, TPA developed a comprehensive package of transport infrastructure and services improvements that included the extension and enhancement of local bus services, new pedestrian links and cycle routes, a Travel Plan (including modal share targets at 3, 5 and 10 years from occupation), and off-site highway improvements to mitigate residual traffic impacts and to implement a local traffic calming scheme. A topic specific Statement of Common Ground with the Highway Authority (Gloucestershire County Council) and with Peter Brett Associates (on behalf of the appellant of a conjoined appeal in respect of a similar development proposal in Bishop’s Cleeve also granted planning permission by the Secretary of State) was concluded.
Rupert Lyons of TPA appeared as an expert witness at the inquiry and gave evidence on the transport issues arising from the proposed development. The Inspector, David Nicolson RIBA IHBC, concluded that measures “to promote sustainable transport choices … would not only assist future occupiers but existing residents as well so that the 10% modal shift [anticipated] would be such that there should be no overall increase in the use of private cars by residents of Bishop’s Cleeve.” In balancing the various issues, the Inspector recommended that the appeal should be allowed and planning permission granted subject to conditions.
For further information please contact Rupert Lyons at