Following a public Inquiry in November 2015, the Secretary of State agrees with Inspectors recommendation to grant outline planning permission for the construction of 280 dwellings at land to the north of Aston Road, Haddenham, Buckinghamshire, after giving no weight to the housing policies in the Haddenham Neighbourhood Plan. The housing policies in the Neighbourhood Plan were quashed by the High Court in March 2016.
The planning application was originally approved at committee in January 2015 but was subsequently called in by the Secretary of State for referral and to assess the consistency of the proposals with the National Planning Policy Framework, the Aylesbury District Council development plan, the Haddenham Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan and any other matters the Inspector considered relevant.
Led by Anthony Jones, TPA prepared evidence and submissions in respect of transport planning matters at the Inquiry and the Secretary of State agreed that the addition of 280 houses would not unacceptably increase congestion or highway safety risks on the local highway network; that the proposed off-site pedestrian improvement works on Aston Road would not adversely impact on the qualities of the conservation area and that the proposed improvements to local bus services and the Thame to Haddenham cycleway link also weigh significantly in favour of the scheme.
By a Decision Letter dated 2nd June 2016 outline planning permission was granted.
Link to Decision: