We are pleased to announce that South Gloucestershire Council granted planning permission for a reserved matters application for the development of the Cheswick Village Neighbourhood Centre, for a children’s Nursery; 53 open market apartments, 40 affordable apartments, 44 retirement apartments, a fitness suite, a D1 use class such as a doctors surgery, and a mixture of A1 food retail, A1 / A2 non-food retail and A3 / A4 / A5 financial / restaurant / cafe/ public house and hot food takeaway uses.
We were instructed by Mansell Construction Services Limited to prepare a comprehensive Transport Assessment that demonstrated that the forecast traffic associated with the reserve matters application for the neighbourhood centre is in accordance with the quantum of traffic previously agreed to be acceptable by South Gloucestershire Council.
We also had extensive input with the design team and carried out detailed negotiations with the local highway authority and stakeholders to inform the evolving layout of the scheme, including the suitability of proposed access arrangements, shared surface public square proposals, bus stop locations, parking provision and refuse and servicing arrangements.