TPA has assisted Chalmington Ltd in the successful appeal against the refusal to grant planning permission for a development of 2no. Semi-detached houses on Crow Meadow, Kingswood, Gloucestershire.
Image provided by Lewis Foster Lewis Architects
Following extensive discussions with TPA, the local highway authority raised no objection to the proposals on the basis that traffic speeds were low and suitable visibility splays were provided, and that the level of additional trips as a result of the proposals would be low in real terms. However, Stroud District Council refused the application in April 2016, with the sole reason for refusal relating to highway safety and additional conflict between vehicles and pedestrians along the narrow cul-de-sac.
An appeal was lodged against the decision with TPA providing a written representation. The Inspector ultimately agreed with the highway authority that “the manoeuvring space, visibility splays and level of traffic generated means that the proposal would not have a severe effect and would not be detrimental to road safety.” The Inspector also noted that “Much of the existing road network has developed incrementally over time and would not necessarily conform to modern highway standards but that does not of itself preclude safe use by some additional traffic, provided the development is suitably designed.”