Transport Planning Associates is pleased to announce that planning permission for a new 21,700-seater stadium for Bristol Rovers have been approved, subject to completion of a S106 Agreement. South Gloucestershire County councillors voted 12-1 for the development at Stoke Gifford next to the University of the West of England campus.
A comprehensive set of traffic management and travel planning initiatives are proposed as part of the development, including a Stadium Events Travel Management Plan and a local residents Stadium Events Permit parking scheme. This includes for example mechanisms for on-going monitoring, the release of additional car parking spaces, shuttle buses and ‘soft’ travel plan initiatives, all to be linked to forecast attendances to enable an appropriate balance between car based and sustainable modes of travel to be achieved.
The plans for the stadium, also include a club shop, bar, gym, offices, and car park. A teaching space for the University of the West of England will also be incorporated within the development and the sports facilities will be available for its use, in a unique partnership between the club and the education provider.
For further information please contact Craig Rawlinson at
The stadium has been designed by Arturus Architects in Bristol