We are delighted to be working with Contemporary Transport and Richard Adams Consulting to form a partnership delivering a Residential and Business Personalised Travel Planning (PTP) Stage 1 programme for Wiltshire Council. We are leading the Residential PTP element of the project and Contemporary Transport is leading the Business PTP. PTP is playing a crucial role in Wiltshire Council’s wider transport programme, enabled by the Government’s Local Sustainable Travel Fund (LSTF), for improving Wiltshire’s rail offer delivered under the ‘Connecting Wiltshire: Travel made simple’ brand.
Residents PTP surveys have been delivered to nearly 5,000 households across three towns, Bradford on Avon, Chippenham and Trowbridge and the county’s one city, Salisbury. Each conurbation has a rail link, and for stage 1 each has a designated theme so that the team can learn from the application of residential PTP in this predominately rural county.
We recruited and trained a local team of Travel Advisers following the standard protocol for a PTP programme. The Travel Advisers have become well recognised in the community, taking a lead role in community and business roadshow events. This phase has taken place over a 12 week period to enable evaluation before moving forward with stage 2 of the project in 2014/15.
Business PTP has involved the preparation of PTPs for staff of Salisbury District Hospital and Wiltshire Council and site specific engagement with other organisations in Wiltshire.