Project Description
Neptune Group
Milcombe, Oxfordshire
Cherwell District Council
Oxfordshire County Council
Tom Wilkins
Damian Ford

We were instructed by Neptune Group to assess the transport planning and highway engineering implications of a residential-led development at Bloxham Road in Milcombe. The proposed development will provide 96 residential dwellings along with a village hall and a convenience store and will replace a previously unused area of farmland.
The site is located in a rural environment with the sustainable transport provision considered to be in line with typical conditions expected within a village location. The footways locally provide connections throughout the village to the local services, facilities, and bus stops.
Prior to submission, we were involved in pre-application discussions with Oxfordshire County Council as the local highway authority. As part of this exercise, the access proposals, trip generation, trip distribution and development impact were reviewed with these forming the basis of the future planning submission. We were also involved with a public consultation exercise and discussions with the Parish Council before the submission of the planning application.
To support the proposed development Masterplanning and design advice regarding vehicular access arrangements, street layout and onsite parking proposed was provided. We prepared a Transport Statement and Travel Plan to support the planning application. The Transport Statement demonstrated that the proposals would not have a detrimental impact on the local highway network in terms of operational capacity.
A Travel Plan was also prepared to promote sustainable transport use for those living at and visiting the site, which was particularly important given the rural location of the site and the limited provision of bus services.
The planning application is yet to be determined by the Local Planning Authority. However, the Local Highway Authority did not object to the proposals.