We are pleased to announce that the Planning Inspectorate has allowed an appeal for a change of use from Class A3 (Restaurant) use to Class A5 (takeaway) at 92 Bedminster Parade, Bristol, on behalf of the appellant, Domino’s Pizza Group.
We prepared a Written Statement to support the appeal. The Council had expressed the view that the level of calling and delivery traffic would lead to indiscriminate parking and the creation of dangerous traffic conditions to the detriment of pedestrian and highway safety. However, the Inspector agreed with TPA’s views that the calling traffic could be accommodated safety and that the proposed delivery arrangements could be satisfactorily controlled via the provision of a Service Management Plan imposed by a planning condition. The Inspector also agreed with TPA’s view that the appeal proposal complied with National and local policy and that limited weight should be attached to Bristol City Council’s Policy Advice Note 17 (PAN17).